Friday, November 4, 2011

David's Distress Psalm 25

Psalm 25 shows us David in the midst of distress and then what he was doing to keep that distress from becoming despair.
Today we only have time to look at what David’s Condition was.  Now I want you to remember David was not a wimp and whiner.  This is the man who had killed a bear and lion, he was the one who was seasoned in battle from killing Goliath, and Ten thousands of other Philistines.

So as we look at this language we can see that things were pretty bad to get him to talk like this:
A. In verse two he says, “Let not my enemies triumph over me”  - He is under duress of the enemies.
B. The following verse David pleads, they deal treacherously without cause vs. 3 – deceitful, untrustworthy,  offend
C. As we move down to verse 15 we see that he felt trapped for he says, “pluck my feet out of the net”
D. These situations left him desolate and afflicted vs. 16
1.         Desolate – only one , lonely
2.         Afflicted - affliction, misery. It refers to a state of oppression or extreme discomfort, physically, mentally, or spiritually:[1]
3.         He says, “the troubles of my heart have enlarged.”vs. 17  This word trouble is revealing he is in great distress or anguish.  He is going through a time of extreme discomfort. [2]
a)                He further illustrates this by saying they have enlarged- grown wide – their expanding.
E. His final plea in verse 17 is “Bring me out of my distresses.”  He needed escape from this state of trouble, affliction, suffering.[3]
F.  In verse 18 he continues asking God to “look on my affliction”.  He needed God’s help through this misery, suffering, state of hardship and trouble.
G.                Because his “enemies hated him with a cruel hatred.” Vs. 19

David was distress but as we will see in the coming installments He did not allow this distress to become despair.  Come back in the following days and we will see how David.
1.         Chose to put his confidence in the Lord
2.         Chose to make a commitment to the Lord
3.         Chose to have integrity by confessing to the Lord
4.         Chose to know and fear the Lord
H. My hope is that as you join us during these lessons you find relief and comfort through your distress and that it never becomes despair.

The video format of this is available at   FW # 16

[1] Warren Baker, The Complete Word Study Dictionary : Old Testament (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2003), 853.
[2] Ibid,  968.
[3] James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament), electronic ed. (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).

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