Friday, January 24, 2014

The Story of a Train

Recently, while walking through town, I saw Bill and some other young men walking on what I thought were train tracks.  I said to Him, “Bill, if you keep walking on there you will get hit by a train.”    Later Tom, the father of one of the boys said to me, “There is no such thing as a train.  Why do you bother the boys with such ridiculous ideas?”  Another Father , Sam, said, “I don’t know if there are trains or not I’ve never seen one so I think it would be loving if you just let the boys alone and let them decide if they think there is a train or not.  Then you can have your beliefs about trains and Tom can have his belief about trains and we can just love each other and get along.” 

Well, I had never seen a train before either, but I had heard from others that had seen one, some who had even ridden on one, and one that was nearly run over by one.  I heard others talk of some who were less fortunate and they were destroyed by a train.  I had also seen houses from Sears that I was told were delivered by the train.  I had seen piles of coal that came off of a train, as well as piles of sand and grain.  So my faith that there were trains was not a blind faith rather it was a faith built upon observations and testimony!  Because I so strongly believe that there are trains I have to encourage Bill and his friends to stay off the tracks.  If I am wrong I will have “bothered” them and cost them a few extra steps.  Yet, if Tom and Sam continue with their attitude and influence and they are wrong there is a good possibility that Bill and/or his friends will be run down by a train.
In a similar way my faith in God is not a blind faith, therefore I have to be faithful to share my belief with others that they too might avoid His just punishment of sin…

Thursday, January 16, 2014

God's response to the repentant going back!

In the book of Nahum God reveals how He responds to a country that once turned from its sin (read Jonah) only to go back to it again.  where does this put the USA? once a nation that had a majority who feared God but now don't give him the time of day.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A "Super Quote" From Superman!

I don’t know how many other people have noticed the quote in the newest rendition of Superman: Man of Steel but this quote caught my attention last night.  One of the villains says to Cal, i.e. Superman, “You have not evolved enough you still have a conscience!”  I don’t know if the writers put that there intentionally or not but there seems to be great truth to it.
Here is why I say there is great truth in the statement.   When one believes they have evolved they take away their belief in a creator.  When we take away a creator to which we are accountable then why does one need a conscience.  Each individual does not look to the creator to ask what is right and wrong, rather they make up their own mind, rely on the collective minds of a society, or listen to their government.  When an individual or society have no standards by which they determine right and wrong then morals continually shift.  Unfortunately, they seem to shift further and further from the standards of right and wrong that were set forth by our creator.
I would like to encourage you to consider the truth of Psalm 19.  Psalm 19:1–3 (ESV) 1The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. 3There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.  Then consider how this creator would have you to live in 2014.  Search His Word and live it!