Friday, March 9, 2012

Biblical Counseling

Our church, First Baptist Church of Littleton, IL”, encourages, supports, and practices Biblical Counseling.  Some may ask, “Why do you think that it is so important?”  This is our answer.

Because we recognize that all men are sinners (Romans 3:10,23), that all good that we try to accomplish by ourselves is as “filthy rags”  (Isa.  64:6), that we are all tempted by our “own desires” (James 1:14-15), and that the “heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9) we purpose to point people to God through Jesus Christ and the Scriptures.

We are promised that God’s Word is “profitable for doctrine” (teaching what is right), “reproof” (teaching what is not right), “correction” (teaching how to get right), and “instruction in righteousness” (teaching how to stay right). (II Timothy 3:16-17) Therefore, we want to share biblical truth with individuals that deal with their everyday struggles, trials, and disappointments. 

Individuals are often taken captive by the snare of the devil (II Tim. 2:25-26) and cheated by the philosophy and deceit of this world which leads to emptiness (Col. 2:8).  Our goal is therefore to share God’s word with them because it is “alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb. 4:12)

It is exciting to see the change that God accomplishes in homes and families, as individuals listen to the Word of God and respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He convicts them.  They are offered hope and victory in their lives.  Some will come to “peace with God” as they recognize their need for salvation in Christ (Rom. 5).  Many come to know the “peace of God that passes all understanding as he keeps their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  (Phil. 4:6-8)

None of this should surprise us.( for) Jesus( in His teaching) told of the house on the Rock and the house on the sand.( that) When the storms came that the house on the sand fell flat, but the house that was built on the Rock stood firm. (Matt. 7:24ff) He explained that the house on the Rock was the person who heard and obeyed His sayings.  We not only see homes falling apart but we see much of society falling apart because they are failing to apply Biblical principles to their lives.  We have set out to turn this tide by rebuilding homes, families, and communities upon the principles of God’s Word.

We at First Baptist Church of Littleton want to stand firm on God’s Word and stand firm applying its teaching to our daily lives just as the church did for centuries. (Much of this was lost in the 20th century…).  We want to help individuals and families have victory in Christ and learn to deal with problems as they come up so that problems are not compounded by sin and that individuals are not overwhelmed. 

If you are looking for answers to life’s problems and only finding more problems, let us share God’s solutions for those problems with you or let us get you in contact with someone else who can do the same.
 More information on Biblical Counseling is available at: ; ; as well as

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