I was
recently asked. “What do pastors do with
their time?” This I can only answer for
myself. I believe everyone in the
church should be using their gifts and abilities to fulfill the “one another”
commands and their responsibility to the body of Christ. Since many others work a full time job and
then serve the church 5 to 10 hours after their work and outside of services, I
try to do the same. I put an average of
45-50 hours per week in outside of our regular service times. The reason for this amount of time is that
most people would consider 40 hours a full week of work.
I will share
an “average” week; although, a normal or “average” week seems to happen very
seldom. According to Acts 6:4 the
primary ministry of the pastor/elder is to be the “ministry of the Word and
prayer”. I spend about 4 hours of my
“church time” praying and the following is a breakdown of my Word
ministry. As mentioned previously, I
spend 8-10 hours each week preparing my Sunday AM sermon. I don’t preach on Sunday evenings, but teach
and often on a shorter topic or theme in further application of the Sunday
morning sermon so I average 4-6 of prep for that time. Our “First Word” ministry, which is a video
blog, takes about 5 hours a week. This
is possible because we have other men who teach Sunday School and Wednesday
night Bible Study. I teach a weekly
men’s Bible Study into which I put 3 hours of preparation and attendance. Planning for future teaching/preaching
ministries averages 1-2 hours a week. One
area under the ministry of the word which varies greatly is counseling in
person, by phone, and electronic media. These
primary areas of ministry take over 30 hours a week on a regular basis.
The rest of
my week is taken up performing various other duties. Meetings such as those with deacons and
preparation for those meetings as well as time with my assistant or other pastors takes
around 2.5 hours each week. Administrative, maintenance, and secretarial type tasks such as
computer maintenance, sermon uploads, mail, bulletin prep, e-mail , phone calls,
cleaning, setting up, van care, and calendar/long-range planning all add up to
about 12 hours a week on the average. (A
pastor who is expected to preach 3 or more sermons each week will need an
office assistant or others to help in many of these areas to free him for more
time in the Word.) I am thankful for
many volunteers who have helped to greatly reduce the time I need to spend on
these areas each week. Visits with new contacts, shut-ins, church members, or
the sick can take up many hours in the week.
When there is any serious medical need our main hospitals are 1-1.5
hours away so one visit can easily take 3-4 hours out of a week.
I have not
yet mentioned that I try to do reading to improve on preaching and shepherding
skills as well as current topics that are relevant to the church. Having at least a minimal knowledge of
current events and activities culturally, politically, and socially helps in
relating to people and applying the scripture to those in our society so
reading and information gathering is necessary here as well.
Outside of
“church time” I spend personal time in Bible study and prayer as well, but
because of limited time/space I will save that topic for a later date.
Let me
encourage you to be praying for and encouraging/assisting your pastor as he
strives to shepherd the flock God has placed him with.