while walking through town, I saw Bill and some other young men walking on what
I thought were train tracks. I said to
Him, “Bill, if you keep walking on there you will get hit by a train.” Later
Tom, the father of one of the boys said to me, “There is no such thing as a
train. Why do you bother the boys with
such ridiculous ideas?” Another Father ,
Sam, said, “I don’t know if there are trains or not I’ve never seen one so I
think it would be loving if you just let the boys alone and let them decide if
they think there is a train or not. Then
you can have your beliefs about trains and Tom can have his belief about trains
and we can just love each other and get along.”
Well, I had
never seen a train before either, but I had heard from others that had seen
one, some who had even ridden on one, and one that was nearly run over by
one. I heard others talk of some who
were less fortunate and they were destroyed by a train. I had also seen houses from Sears that I was
told were delivered by the train. I had
seen piles of coal that came off of a train, as well as piles of sand and
grain. So my faith that there were
trains was not a blind faith rather it was a faith built upon observations and
testimony! Because I so strongly believe
that there are trains I have to encourage Bill and his friends to stay off the
tracks. If I am wrong I will have “bothered”
them and cost them a few extra steps.
Yet, if Tom and Sam continue with their attitude and influence and they
are wrong there is a good possibility that Bill and/or his friends will be run
down by a train.
In a similar
way my faith in God is not a blind faith, therefore I have to be faithful to share
my belief with others that they too might avoid His just punishment of sin…