Greetings, I am thankful that you took time to visit our
website and this blog. I imagine many of
you in the next few days are here because of meeting one of us at the Schuyler
County Fair (IL) or in the least finding more comfort from using one of our fans.
I want to encourage you to take your time as you visit our
website to try and get to know more of who we are and more importantly who God
is and how He through Jesus Christ has provided a way for you to have a
relationship with Him.
Let me also encourage you to visit our Youtube page:
on this page we have produced roughly 150 devotionals, some teaching the
meaning of scripture and applying to our life and some answering questions
using the Bible to show God’s answer to individual needs and questions. We have taken a break this summer, but there
are many lessons here from which to learn.
I also want to let you know that you and your family are not
only welcome, but are encouraged to gather with this local body of Christ as we
worship together on Sunday Morning at 9:30
(ss) and 10:30 as well as our family hour at 6 PM.
We look forward to the chance to get to know some of you
more in the coming weeks and months as we learn to serve God together for His