Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sparks Highlights 1-6-12

****   Wow!  It is great to be together again!  We hope you had a Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior.  We hope, too, you are looking forward to the upcoming year and for the great blessings God has in store for us.  We have spent the last few weeks in Sparks learning about the promise of our Savior and His earthly birth.  All year, we have been discussing our need for His birth and life.  Before really focusing on Jesus, the rest of the Sparkie-year we are going to learn about a few more Old Testament biblical stories that point to Jesus.  One such was Josiah – did you know that the nation of Israel had a king who was only 8 years old?   If Josiah were living here now, he would be a Sparkie!   Did you know that that 8 year old was very wise?  Josiah was wise because he led his people to obey God.   Obeying God is a wise principle to live by and a great New Year’s resolution – if you are still looking for one!  Your Sparkie made him/herself a crown tonight to be a reminder of Josiah, the Sparkie-aged king, that obeyed God.  You are welcome to join us anytime at Sparks!    You can also check out the AWANA program at     

Mrs. Jennifer Schroeder, Mr. Roger Fox, Mrs. Barb Stein.

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