I seldom go
through a week without someone seeing or hearing someone use the term “karma.” “He got his karma.,” “Karma is a pain!,”
“I’ll give him his karma.” or “Your karma is coming.” In these contexts, it is nearly always
dealing with someone getting back in kind for their wrong actions. Some of the time, it is an excuse for
revenge. These ideas are derived uses of
the term which comes out of Buddhism and Hinduism, though the meaning has been
changed to some degree.
My concern
is that this attitude seems to be prevalent in many who would claim to be
Christians. Karma is not a biblical
concept. The biblical concept is
harvest. If I go and plant a corn seed
in my garden, I expect to pick corn when the plant matures. The same is true for beans, tomatoes, or
whatever I plant. I expect to harvest in
the same kind as the type of seed that I have planted.
God in His
word tells us in Galatians 6:7–9 (ESV) “7Do not be deceived: God is
not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8For the
one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one
who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9And
let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do
not give up.”
All through
scripture we see people receiving the consequences of their actions. He reaffirms that here in this passage. The things we sow, or plant will come back to
us. We see it in the lives of
individuals in scripture. How many can
you name? Do we see it in the lives of
nations? Do you remember them?
Some think
it is their responsibility to pay back for the wrong people have done to
them. This violates Romans 12:17 where
we are commanded, “Repay no one evil for evil.” And vs. 19 “Do not avenge
yourselves.” Why does God tell us this?
Verse 19 continues, “Vengeance, is Mine, I will repay.” When we try to pay back individuals for
wrongs that they have done to us we are trying to take the place of God. We need to let God work in His way in His
time. He sees, He knows, He cares, and
He has promised. If we take vengeance
upon ourselves, then we are wrong, and will bring consequences upon ourselves. Our part is to “repay evil with good.” (Rom.
The greatest
challenge today as you read this is to evaluate what you are sowing or planting
with your life. Have you trusted Christ
as Savior so that you can sow to the spirit?
If you have not, you are simply sowing to the flesh. The final harvest then will be corruption;
eternal punishment in the lake of fire.
Put your faith in Christ today, and begin to serve Him, then you will
know a blessed harvest!